About the Support

How can you support us?

Your contribution is more than a donation.

Whether you are an individual philanthropist, a company, a foundation or an institution, your giving can be for:

  • General support: This is what enables us to do our core work and to develop institutionally.

  • Tailored support to a program: As a private sector investor, individual donor or an institution, you can focus your contribution to one of our programs or explore new initiatives that address priorities in the development sector.

  • Event sponsorship: We welcome strategic partnerships on major events, be it financial or in-kind. Such events rally a wide public audience, donors and Another Perspective’s Board of Trustees in diverse settings.

Account number PLN: 35 1600 1462 1744 3047 8000 0001

Account number EURO: 08 1600 1462 1744 3047 8000 0002

Account number USD: 78 1600 1462 1744 3047 8000 0003


KRS: 0000996535, REGON: 523376950, NIP: 5732938530
